Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Obesity Rates Continue To Climb

Obesity Rates Continue To Climb Throughout The Western World
17 Nov 2008

In a current health news report titled "Obesity: An Ounce of Prevention," life and health writer Alice Abler explores the history of obesity research and awareness, exploring what individuals can do to avoid becoming a future obesity statistic.

Beginning with former United States Surgeon General David Satcher's 2001 "Call to Action," one of the first public discussions of obesity statistics as a public threat; discusses the high obesity rates that plague the United States, the United Kingdom, Europe and Asia; and ends with some of the latest health news on obesity research. Paradoxically, obesity rates are a major social issue, yet each individual holds a personal key to reversing these unhealthy statistics.

The good news is that despite the implications of current obesity rates, obesity research and obesity statistics, there are practical ways of breaking the cycle. Each of us can flex our power on an individual level by achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. Vision emphasizes that "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," and stresses the need to educate and prepare the next generation to take care of their health and ensure they understand the value of maintaining a healthy weight.

The role of parents cannot be overemphasized in setting an example of good health, and long-term healthy weight is a result of healthy eating and healthy activity. Vision suggests that the family unit is the ideal training ground for children, and that teaching them about health is of primary importance. The obesity rates of the future, whether disturbingly high or comfortably low, hinge upon what we model for our children today.'s special report on obesity includes practical tips for busy families trying to stay healthy. Weight loss tips are presented along with quick and healthy meal ideas that can help families avoid the traps of fast food and prepared foods when time is short.

Obesity and obesity-related disease claims the lives of millions each year. To learn more about this preventable tragedy, see's special report, titled "Obesity: An Ounce of Prevention."

About Vision is an online magazine with quarterly print issues that feature in-depth coverage of current social issues, religion and the Bible, history, family relationship topics and insights into philosophical, moral and ethical issues in society today. For a free subscription to the Vision quarterly magazine, visit their web site at

"Obesity: An Ounce of Prevention"

"Simply Eat" is the answer you have been looking for.

If you're looking for a way to jack your fat-burning sky-high, here's a great tip for you: focus on single ingredient meals, especially after 6:00pm.

Note: this is not a long-term strategy,nor is it something you should do every day. Aim for consuming 3-4 meals per week at first that contain only one ingredient.

Guess what ingredient that is?

-- Protein --

Eating hard proteins foods as I describe in "Simply Eat!" is a great way to get lean. You can do this using animal or vegetarian based protein foods.

The key is one ingredient. Consume your normal meal's calories all in protein. This will help
elevate your thermogenic rate and keep that fat burning.

If you select a second ingredient, select celery -- and lots of it. Celery will fill you up and help
expend even more calories in the fat-burning process.

For more tips on why "ingredients", not calories, are the key to long-term fat-burning and success, go here now --

This "Simply Eat" link will tell you all you need to know.


Kenneth Edwards

My other Health site - Fit Over 40

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