Practical Life Extension - What Modern Science Says About Reversing The Aging Process
There's an old proverb that rings with wit and reason: "Everyone wants to go to heaven but no one wants to die." So why do we want to live forever? According to Dr. Sanjay Gupta, author of "Chasing Life" and CNN's Senior Medical Corespondent, we do not. The real quest isn't eternal life on earth according to Gupta, but rather an exceptional life.While interviewing the foremost authorities on anti-aging and life extension, Dr. Gupta discovered three "universals" -- three principles that each researcher deemed critical to extending our lives naturally and empowering us to live exceptionally.
They are:
1. Weight training
2. Good nutrition
3. Positive thinking and having purpose
Jon Benson, author of "Fit Over 40", explores each of these in great detail, as well as asking 52 men and women how they have managed to slow the hands of time down to a crawl. Benson does not waste time with hype and hypothesis. He focuses on real-world examples and applications we can all use to slow down the aging process and help prevent and reverse the conditions that can lead to disease.
Discover more HERE!
You too can live a longer, more exceptional life by simply adopting a smart, realistic and enjoyable lifestyle fitness plan. And if science just happens to catch up with Father Time, you'll be many steps ahead of the curve.
Kenneth Edwards
See Jon before and after below.
WARNING: Diet programs can wreck your metabolism, especially if you're over 40!
Let me point out that Fit Over 40 is NOT a "diet" program. In fact, I recommend you never fool with diet pills or strict low calorie diets — ever. Starving yourself will only make your body "panic" and store more fat — while you burn up precious muscle tissue! The difference between Fit Over 40 and all those other programs where you tried and failed is the special combination between nutrition and exercise. You're going to learn a lot of simple secrets in Fit Over 40 that will make getting leaner and healthier easier than ever—but don't let anyone kid you—you absolutely must exercise! Proven fact: Exercise and nutrition are like two wheels on a bicycle. If one is flat, the other isn't going to take you very far. That's why I said earlier that this book is ONLY for people who are serious about their bodies and their health.
This really is a fast-results short cut, but if you think you can just pop a pill and then sit back and do nothing, well, dream on! One more thing: Any good psychologist will tell you that even with the best nutrition and exercise program in the world, self-limiting beliefs and negative thinking will sink you like a torpedo. The single most important factor in anti-aging Many of our FIT OVER 40 role models say that "HOW I THINK" is the single most important factor of all for holding onto your health and youthfulness. Are you surprised? Were you expecting to hear about some rare growth hormone-releasing antler velvet recently discovered on caribou from the remote corners of Siberia? An amazing scientific discovery by Swedish scientists that stops human cells from aging? Himalayan villagers living to 120 by drinking a special blend of Yak yogurt? A diet secret used by Okinawan fisherman? Or maybe an esoteric herb found in the jungles of the Amazon?
Don't be fooled! The big multi-million dollar corporations may try to BS you into believing this nonsense, but I won't. The truth is much simpler than these fairy tales you read about in the magazines and see on infomercials. The real "magic" happens when you work on the outside using exercise and nutrition while working on the inside using the hidden power of your mind... Fit Over 40 will teach you how to tap into the power of thoughts, beliefs and core values to skyrocket you to success.
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